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Man raging after ‘shady’ sister ‘steals name’ for her baby

An author has been left fuming after his sister stole the unique name he had created for a character in his book, and used it for her newborn child.

The writer spent years crafting the perfect name for his protagonist, only to have his sister use it in real life and then demand he change his book.

The man admitted he was unsure if he was in the wrong for being upset about his sister’s actions. “I have been working on writing a book for almost 5 years now and one of my main characters has a pretty uncommon name that I really like for her,” he shared on Reddit.

He revealed the unusual name was “Ashlaun”, and this was the “first character” he had developed for his novel.

“In 2021 I lived with my sister for a few months and she loved hearing me talk about my book and hear about my characters. Back then she had three daughters. Flash forward to this year and my sister is pregnant with my first nephew,” he continued.

The writer explained his sister had kept the name of her child a “secret”. He was taken aback when he discovered his sister had named her son Ashlaun, and was even more shocked when she insisted he change the name of his character because she didn’t want her son to be “associated with a book his whole life”.

The author initially thought his sister was “joking”, but when he refused to change the character’s name, his sister became angry. She argued that he was going to “ruin the name” for the entire family when he published the book.

In the comments section, people were quick to defend the author, with one person stating: “This is something she should have talked to you about before taking that name.”

Another chimed in, labelling her actions as “shady” and commenting: “That’s why she hid the name.”

One commenter was particularly incensed, exclaiming: “Your horrible traitorous sister should have considered this before stealing the name. She knew this was your character’s name so I guess she’ll just have to live with the chaos she has created.”

Meanwhile, another Redditor lightened the mood by joking: “Oh my goodness. Please include how your sister named your nephew after the lead character in the book’s dedication!”

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