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‘I’m falling in love with my daughter’s boyfriend…’

“I have been married to my husband Tom [52] for 25 years and we have three kids,” Lisa began on Reddit. “The problem began a few weeks ago when Alice [22] brought her boyfriend, Andrew [24], home to meet us for the first time.”

The pair had been dating for around four months, and this was an exciting next step in their young relationship.

“Everyone liked Andrew immediately,” Lisa gushed. “He is very charming, handsome, and quite intelligent… and even Tom really likes Andrew; Tom doesn’t usually warm up to boyfriends quickly.”

What would seem like a normal way for a mother to gush about her daughter’s new boyfriend soon took an unexpected turn.

“This situation would honestly be perfect if it were not for my problem,” Lisa disclosed. “I believe I am falling for Andrew.”

Lisa admitted she is mortified with her feelings for young Andrew and feels “incredibly embarrassed” by her feelings.

“I love Tom, but never in our 25 years of marriage have I ever felt this way about someone else,” Lisa confessed.

But that’s not all – Lisa revealed: “The situation gets worse.” When Andrew has been over for dinner and movie nights, Lisa “cannot control [her] thoughts”.

“I honestly cannot stand to see him and Alice together,” the mum confessed, suggesting pangs of jealousy had surfaced.

Unable to control herself, Andrew has now caught Lisa’s gaze on more than one occasion, but he has seemingly been trying to avoid her.

“I am so embarrassed,” Lisa revealed, who later confided in her husband about her unusual attraction, which Tom didn’t take well.

“He thinks I’m creepy for having a crush on a 24-year-old and he doesn’t want to speak to me right now,” Lisa shared.

“Tom is going to sleep in the guest bedroom… I am very concerned that I should not have told Tom… I’ve clearly hurt him and that could have potentially been avoided.”

Lisa pleaded: “I don’t know how to explain myself, or how to make this crush go away.”

Believing that Alice and Andrew could have a future together, Lisa doesn’t know how to cope with her “inappropriate” feelings.

Will her feelings fade with time? Or will they only intensify the more she gets to know Andrew through Alice?

One Reddit commentator, where the post was shown, said: “You’re 49 and you really don’t understand that this is clearly infatuation, or romanticising, and not love?!”

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