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How to remove stains from whites with ‘magic’ concoction

You might avoid donning white attire for fear of those dreaded stains, but hold off on the panic as there’s a nifty little mixture that promises to obliterate those stubborn blots.

The sinking feeling when you splatter something on your favourite white tee is all too familiar, and you’re left questioning why you even decided to wear it after all.

Yet, thanks to a savvy tip from @creative_explained on TikTok, having four key ingredients to hand – as well as water – could save the day.

When combined, they form a powerful solution that tackles those irksome stains head-on.

The hack has gone viral on TikTok, racking up more than 34,000 likes, with users astounded by how effectively the mixture removes stains when applied with a toothbrush.

Viewers were told they simply need to “mix baking soda, with some lemon juice, add some white vinegar, a little bit of dish soap, and some water” to create the impressive stain remover.

The cleaning guru says “you can remove any stains from your clothes” with this method – adding that a simple scrub with a bit of the mixture on a toothbrush can make the blemish vanish. And thankfully it’s “safe [and] natural” with “no toxic chemicals”.

The creator said it works like “magic” and showed how the stain disappeared after sufficient rubbing.

Reacting to the trick in the comments section, one TikTok user confirmed: “I use this as my regular kitchen cleaner.” Another chimed in saying: “I use this for scrubbing my stains too – crazy.”

A third individual was all praises too, adding: “It really does work, I tried it.”

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