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Horoscopes today – Russell Grant’s star sign forecast for January 12


Trust your instincts particularly when it comes to family and financial matters. You may not be able to explain why you feel the way you do but intuitively you will know the best way to go. A hunch that has no rationale is nature’s way of pointing you in the right direction.


You’re open and honest and people know that when they’re with you, what they see is what they get. You aren’t keeping secrets from anyone but there is someone close who has been hiding something from you and you are about to discover exactly what, today.


Talks within the family will go well. Not only are you able to get your point across with little effort but others will respond in a sensible and positive fashion. If you’re keen to thread a more settled path in the future, start laying down the necessary foundations.


You understand that your boss and others at the top have some difficult decisions to make. People are waiting for answers. If changes are made, the outstanding question you need an answer to is: what are those in high positions likely to offer instead?


If you’re feeling the pinch then it isn’t going to resolve your financial situation to splash out on items you do not need. Resist such temptations. If you’re tempted to buy things on credit, think about the future. You should be paying off existing debts, not accumulating more.


Someone will apologise for having got their facts wrong in the past. They made some cruel criticisms and they will be genuinely sorry for the upset and harm they caused. Be ready to bury the hatchet. Life’s too short to harbour a grudge.


If you’ve been asked to organise a workshop, seminar or presentation, you might wake with the idea of scrapping everything you have considered so far in order to try something more adventurous. There will be people who will try to talk you out of such an idea. Don’t let them.


It might be a premonition or your intuition but something will tempt you down new spiritual trails. This diversion will lead to places that inspire your psychic development. Taking up a new spiritual practice will also be a good way to keep stress and tension at bay.


An older relative will make some harsh comments. Their aim is to pour cold water on your dreams but they will only succeed if you let them. You make your own choices and you can choose to continue to pursue your hopes and desires without their support.


There’s a lot to be gained from moving away from set views and expectations and experimenting with new ideas. You might even enjoy being inventive and imaginative. Taking a different approach will be effective and worthwhile.


Some things are best left unspoken and sometimes it is better to get thoughts and feelings out into the open. You’re tired of the way someone is trying to push their way into your life. You need more independence and you’re ready to insist on this now.


A decision is being reversed. A proper thought-through process needs to be put in place in order to avoid a repeat of recent mistakes. You will admit to having made wrong choices in the past and that’s why you won’t be pressured now into doing the wrong thing.

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