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Nigella Lawson’s strawberry crumble is a refreshing summer dessert that takes 30 minutes

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celsuis. Put the strawberries into a pie dish, and sprinkle sugar, almonds and vanilla extract on top. Mix everything together by shaking the tin.

For the crumble topping, put flour and baking powder in a mixing bowl. Add in the cold butter with a freestanding mixer. It should resemble rough, pale oatmeal when you’re done. Stir in the flaked almonds and sugar.

Pour the crumble topping over the strawberry mixture, covering it evenly. Press in at the edges of the pie dish. Put the pan on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for 30 minutes. The crumble topping should have darkened to a pale gold, and strawberry will be bubbling through.

Let stand to cool for 10 minutes, and serve with whipped cream.

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